Sonora, KY to Utica, KY
Planning a schedule and then sticking to that schedule is absolutely impossible on a journey like ours. I'd been scared to add up our miles to see just how far behind we actually were. But I guess it's time to do the math and face reality. Originally we'd planned a 65 mile per day average allowing 5 zero mileage rest days. If we have just 49 days left until the date we want to finish and roughly 3,300 miles remaining, the figures don't look good. As of now, if we don't take any rest days, we need to average 68 miles per day. Just for fun I also calculated if we took four rest days, and came up with a 74 mile per day average. We definitely have our work cut out for us.
Miles: 91.28
Average speed: 11.2 mph
Max speed: 38.7 mph