Lookout, KY to Hazard, KY
We've found that 95% of drivers are very polite and patient when it comes to cyclists. These folks wave at us, maybe even give a friendly honk. But most importantly, they safely pass wide to the left. I'd say 4% of drivers are polite or courteous to a fault. These folks will idle behind us forever, never intending to pass. We know you're there, no we're not going to pull over on a hill. All you're doing is making us nervous and frustrated, please go around when the opportunity presents itself. The remaining 1% of drivers are simply bad people. There is no other way to describe them. Angry horns blare as they squeal by, dirty looks combined with dirty exhaust. Let's do some basic critical thinking. What are the purpose of roads? A local redneck might say "for cars". My response would be, "well what are cars for?" Their response, "for people". Even through simple redneck logic, you can see that if roads are for cars, and cars are for people, then ultimately roads are for people. So my next question would be, "why do you and your gas guzzling tricked out pickup have more of a right to any given road than me and my bicycle?"
Miles: 75.02
Average speed: 10.6 mph
Max speed: 34.6 mph